Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Types: Sexual Assault: Intimate Partner Violence:

Types: Sexual Assault:

[Info] Hemming, Andrew. »The Doctrine of Coverture and No Rape Within Marriage in the Nineteenth Century.« Taking Liberties: Sex, Pleasure, Coercion (1748-1928). Newcastle upon Tyne 2012.

[Site] A m e r i c a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] U.S. History

Cases: Fictional Offenders: Rhett Butler; Fictional Victims: Scarlett O'Hara; Representations: Literary Texts: Rebecca Harding Davis, Margaret Mitchell (Gone With the Wind)

[Info] Barshis, Victoria R.G. »The Question of Marital Rape.« Women's Studies International Forum 6 (1983): 383-393.

[Info] Battan, Jesse F. »"In the Marriage Bed Woman’s Sex Has Been Enslaved and Abused": Defining and Exposing Marital Rape in Late-Nineteenth-Century America.« Sex Without Consent: Rape and Sexual Coercion in America. Edited by Merril D. Smith. New York 2001: 204-229.

[Info] Geis, Gilbert. »Rape-in-Marriage: Law and Law Reform in England, the United States, and Sweden.« Adelaide Law Review 6 (1978): 284-303.

[Info] Sager, Robin C. Marital Cruelty in Antebellum America. Baton Rouge 2016.

[Info] Tomlinson, Alayna. "He Had Right to Chastise Her": How American Family Ideals Reinforced Domestic Violence and Impacted the Legal System, 1824 to 1900. Thesis, Kalamazoo College, 2018.

[Info] West, Emily. »Reflections on the History and Historians of the black woman’s role in the community of slaves: Enslaved women and intimate partner sexual violence.« American Nineteenth Century History 19 (2018): 1-21.

[Site] A s i a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Irianian History


[Info] DeSouza, Wendy. »African Concubinage in Qajar Iran: Sexualized Violence, Vulnerability, and Resistance.« 137th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. San Francisco 2024.

[Site] E u r o p e a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] English History

Cases: Fictional Victims: Helen Graham; Representations: Literary Texts: Anne Brontë (The Tenant of Wildfell Hall), George Eliot (Daniel Deronda), Emily Jane Pfeiffer

[Info] Bourke, Joanna. »Sexual violence, marital guidance, and Victorian bodies: An aesthesiology.« Victorian Studies 50 (2008): 419-436.

[Info] Geis, Gilbert. »Rape-in-Marriage: Law and Law Reform in England, the United States, and Sweden.« Adelaide Law Review 6 (1978): 284-303.

[Info] Murray, Emily. An Analysis of Whether Victorian England Shares Central Tenets of Modern Rape Culture. Honors Thesis, College of William and Mary, 2019.

[Info] Ryan, Rebecca M. The Sex Right: A Legal History of the Marital Rape Exemption. Senior Thesis, Princeton University, 1994.

[Info] Trumble, Kelly L. ‘Her Body Is Her Own': Victorian Feminists, Sexual Violence, and Political Subjectivity. Ph.D. Thesis, Florida State University, 2004.

[Site] O c e a n i a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Australian History

Representations: Literary Texts: Barbara Baynton, Ada Cambridge, Louisa Lawson, Rosa Praed

[Info] Mackinnon, Alison, et al. »Sex, Resistance and Power: Sex Reform in South Australia, c. 1905.« Australian Historical Studies 23 (1988): 60-71.